Sunday 27 March 2011


I don't often actually write on this, preferring to just convey my silly thoughts through nice song lyrics and little pictures. But after a lovely weekend with my favourite person, I feel like I want to for once in a long time. He is going away soon, and I am very sad about being apart from him. Having not seen him in two weeks, this weekend was so lovely. I lit up seeing his face as he opened the door, and I could tell he was so happy too. Being with him, time just disappears. I immediately feel so content and at ease just being in the same place as him. I don't believe in being with someone just because you don't like to be alone. I believe in being with someone because you hate to be without that one person who makes everything special, even if it's just a trip to the local garden centre to look at the pretty flowers you would like to grow in your imagined little garden wilderness one day....

Sometimes, things get tough. It's difficult to remember this isn't how life will be forever. But I know that everyone is lucky in some way, however big or small it is.

I know who makes me lucky.

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